As a UX Professional: Beyond Personal Bias to Effective Strategies

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The Surprising Online Debate

Recently, I encountered an intriguing online discussion among UX practitioners about a specific user registration strategy. The majority labeled it as “cheesy” and “ineffective,” quickly dismissing it without delving into its context or purpose. This hasty judgment, devoid of any situational understanding, piqued my interest.

The Shift from Reaction to Inquiry

Initially, the conversation lacked inquiries about why such a strategy might be used. It was a blanket “Don’t do it!” However, as the discussion evolved, a few participants began questioning the rationale behind this approach. This shift in perspective brings to mind a poignant quote from the TV show “Ted Lasso,” where the character, quoting Walt Whitman, advises to “Be curious, not judgmental.” This sentiment perfectly encapsulates the transition from a reactive to an inquisitive mindset, leading to a more meaningful exploration of the strategy’s potential effectiveness.

Research Reveals a Different Story

Driven by curiosity, I researched the feasibility and user acceptance of this strategy. To my surprise, I found several successful websites, including, effectively using this approach and achieving high conversion rates. This discovery was particularly striking as many of the discussion’s participants were themselves users of these platforms, contradicting their initial reactions.

Data-Driven UX Decisions

The role of a UX professional is to make decisions based on research and data, not personal preferences. Studies, such as those by the Nielsen Norman Group, show that user-centric designs can significantly increase conversion rates. Forrester Research also reports that effective UX design can lead to a substantial rise in customer conversion rates. These findings emphasize the importance of basing UX strategies on solid research and factual data.

Rethinking Our Approach

As UX professionals, our responsibility extends beyond our likes and dislikes. It’s about understanding and catering to user needs and preferences. This approach satisfies users and drives business success through enhanced engagement and conversions. Our professional judgment, therefore, should always be rooted in research, data, and a comprehensive understanding of user requirements, steering clear of subjective biases.